Explore, Life, People 31 Aug 2021 Forgiveness Etymologically, to forgive, for-give, is to give completely. [FR: par-don] Is forgiveness an act of generosity, of total giving, of… Seb
Explore, Life, People 11 Aug 2021 Suffering Why do we tolerate suffering? That of the animals that we decimate by the trillions each year. The one of… Seb
Explore, Life, People 09 Jul 2021 Freedom What if our life was just a story? We observed and realized the fact that life is a series of… Seb
Explore, People 16 Jun 2021 Centricity Centricity is the state or quality of being centered, centering on, or focusing on. In fact, it is typically used… Seb
Explore, Life, People, Planet 15 Jun 2021 Humanity A sneak peek into the history of life and humanity. In other words, how did we get there? Earth Kick… Seb
My deepest criticism of the educational system is that it's all based upon a distrust of the student.Carl Rogers